GDPR Compliance


Introduction to GDPR

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we at Reliable Canadian Pharmacy are deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy and personal data of our clients and website visitors. Our platform,, operates with the utmost integrity to ensure that all data management practices comply with the rigorous standards set forth by GDPR. This commitment extends to every facet of our operations, from how we collect data to the way we store, process, and potentially share it with trusted third parties. Our adherence to GDPR is tied to our mission to be a trusted source of pharmaceutical information, and we recognize the importance of data protection in maintaining that trust.

Data Collection and Use

At Reliable Canadian Pharmacy, we collect data solely for the purpose of enhancing our services and providing users with personalized healthcare guidance. The information that we gather ranges from basic contact information to more detailed health-related data that users may voluntarily share with us. We understand the sensitive nature of this data and have implemented stringent measures to ensure that it is handled with the care and confidentiality that it deserves. Each step in our data management process is designed to adhere to GDPR provisions, granting our users peace of mind knowing their personal information is in safe hands.

Data Subject Rights

Under the GDPR, data subjects are afforded a number of rights concerning the use and control of their personal information. Reliable Canadian Pharmacy is wholly supportive of these rights and we have established clear and accessible channels for individuals to exercise them. Users have the right to access their data, request corrections, erase certain information, and object to or restrict the processing of their data. We maintain an open and responsive dialogue with our users to ensure that these rights can be exercised without undue complexity or delay.

Data Security and Breach Notification

The security of user data is a cornerstone of our GDPR compliance efforts. We employ advanced technological measures and robust organizational protocols to safeguard information against unauthorized access, alteration, and deletion. Should a data breach occur, we are prepared to respond swiftly and effectively, in alignment with GDPR requirements. This includes notifying the appropriate regulatory authorities and impacted individuals without unnecessary delay. We recognize that transparency is paramount in such scenarios and are committed to keeping all stakeholders informed throughout the breach resolution process.

Contact Information and Data Protection Officer

Reliable Canadian Pharmacy has designated a Data Protection Officer to oversee our compliance with GDPR and serve as a point of contact for data protection matters. Should you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, or wish to exercise any of your GDPR rights, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Data Protection Officer, Zander McKinnon, at the following contact details:

  • Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
  • 140 George St, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia
  • Email: [email protected]


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